The Land of Many Cheeses

There seems to be a common theme of frustration whenever I talk to anyone who has been applying for internships.  Believe me, I mean it when I say "I know how you feel."

Thursday night Kyle and I cried some tears of joy as we realized that our seven-month trial of patience and faith was finally [[hopefully]] coming to an end...a happy end.  Kyle has been diligently applying for internships since September and even though he had submitted 100+ applications and had many contacts/promising outlooks nothing was working out.  I tried to be very supportive of Kyle through the entire process but may have hit a breaking point when I "filled" out my calendar for May and realized the great unknown that was post-May 3rd.

Okay fine. So we'll just stay in Utah for the summer and work.  Kyle and I both found jobs and I even started making a Utah Summer Bucket list.

Then Thursday night Kyle was working on his computer when all of a sudden he got really serious and said: "Amanda come here."  Ummmm okay, like do you have a computer virus? What else is new? I was immediately concerned.  However, on Kyle's screen was an e-mail from a company in Wisconsin asking us to come intern there this summer!!


Words cannot quite express the relief and joy that Kyle and I both felt.  The Lord has a funny way of working.  Through the whole experience we were both frustrated and distraught and fearful.  Meanwhile, Heavenly Father was just smiling to himself knowing that everything would workout.  The Lord had a plan for us all along....

Kyle's first day is May 12th which means we are moving in about three weeks!  The company is located in New Richmond, WI which is about 45 minutes east of Minneapolis.  The town population is about 8,000 and the "main attraction" is Brady's Brewhouse.  [[Be careful what you wish for, I kept asking Kyle if we could move to Wyoming once we graduate...]]  Neither of us have been to Wisconsin before so we are both in for an adventure!  

I am feeling very humbled and blessed by this opportunity and though the future is still filled with unknowns, I am looking forward to this journey! 

Ever stalwart,
<33 Amanda

P.S. us at the end of the summer?!


  1. Congrats guys! Happy for your success and all that will come.

  2. What an exciting adventure! Being away from everything you know really helps you connect as a couple! Love you guys!

  3. Well done, Kyle. What company will you be interning with?


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