9 Things I Wish I Would Have Known as a BYU Freshman

Well, I am finally a college senior.  I MADE IT. Although I am beyond excited to be done at BYU, I felt a little melancholy as I walked across campus today.  My freshman year was not the smoothest and as I reflected on how I could have made this experience better, I decided to pass my knowledge along.

     1. GO TO CLASS.  Most freshman classes have 200+ students and so taking attendance is impossible.  Initially I saw this as an opportunity to sleep in, watch Lost, and ultimately ditch class.  I am here to testify that missing class is not worth it.  It is oh so tempting but I promise that you will look back three years later and kick yourself when you look at your grades.

     My friend put it in a really motivating way: tuition costs about $2,375.  Let's assume you take the average freshman load of about 14 credits.  That means that PER credit you are paying about $170! You can buy 34 Little Caesar's Pizzas with that money!  If that's not enough of a reality for you, the average semester is about 70 days.  This means you pay about $3 per credit per day.  To miss a three credit class would cost you $9 and when you are a poor college student, that is a lot.

     Just some food for thought next time you consider skipping class.

     2. Class before 9am is actually illegal...or it should be (and even 9am is a stretch).  My freshman year I deceivingly signed up for an 8am class thinking that I would be fine since I had to get up much earlier in high school.  OKAY COLLEGE IS NOT HIGH SCHOOL.  You don't actually go to bed at 10pm.  In fact, I was lucky if I got to bed before 1am.  This is the first step in getting yourself to go to class.  If at all possible avoid mornings.  Your ideal class time window falls between 10am-2pm. (Give or take an hour).

     3. One of my biggest regrets is that I did not take more "fun" classes.  These are classes that have nothing to do with your major/minor but are just classes that interest you.  I took tap dance and world dance and Zumba.  By far Zumba was my favorite and it was nice to have a class without homework.  It was like a break in my day. Once you get far enough along in your major there is no time for filler classes, so while you are able too, take classes just cause.  
     Amanda's top "fun" class suggestions:
          x. Flexibility (good luck getting a spot though)
          x. Zumba
          x. Water Aerobics
          x. Country Dance
          x. Ceramics
          x. Ice Hockey (do not be tricked into taking figure skating)
          x. World Dance
          x. Watercoloring
          x. Gymnastics
          x. Print making
          x. Dance Aerobics
**Don't be fooled into taking Astronomy, with Professor Moody, in the Astronomy Tower... it's not actually fun and this WILL happen:

     4. Do not be tricked into thinking that you must study in the library (but if you are going to, I prefer the fourth floor by the neato mural).  There are plenty of good study spots in various buildings on campus.  If you're like me though, you don't like to study on campus.  Are you ready to hear one of my study secrets?!  Study at the Awful Waffle.  The Awful Waffle is a cute little waffle shop just south of campus.  I like studying here because a. it smells good b. there are chalkboard tables to write all over c. they play good music d. during the day it is usually empty.  Plus, once you finish a good study session you can reward yourself with a delicious crepe or waffle.

See, isn't this place SO much more inviting than the library?

     5. Get involved.  Okay, I feel almost like a hypocrite saying this because I literally participate in ZERO campus activities these days but at one point I did.  My freshman year I went to the homecoming parade, went to campus dances, various sporting events, etc.  I think that being involved is part of the freshman experience.  It is a great way to learn about yourself and where you belong at BYU.  There are club nights, weekly events, always always sports, and INTRAMURALS <<< one of the hidden treasures of college.  I am the least athletic person but it was so fun to be on a team with friends.  Make a team.  Win (or lose) a game or two.  But just have fun.  And I mean that for whatever you choose do.

Lil' Nugz for lyfe

     6. Don't sell your soul to your classes.  This is the most accurate diagram I have ever seen:

     Yes, unfortunately this is college to a T.  My philosophy? You can sleep when you're dead.  College is about having fun but also doing your best in school.  I think that there must be balance in all things. Don't miss out on weekend happenings because you are in the library.  I have seen too many friends fall into this trap and they end up hating their life.  Don't hate your life, have a social life.  

     7. Get a job. Wait what. Work? Yes, you heard me.  I did not work my freshman year but my sophomore year I got a custodial job at the Wilkinson Student Center.  This was the best thing for me because it got me to class and I met some amazing people.  This was an excellent way for me to make some friends and an extra dollar or two.  If you do choose to work, find an on-campus job.  It is convenient and usually your boss will be very flexible.    

     8. Don't let anyone define who you are.  This was difficult for me.  Before coming to BYU I was always known as "the goody two shoes."  However, when I got to BYU I was suddenly considered a "rebel child."  That notion ruined my self-esteem and for a long time I thought that I was a bad person.  BYU is great but you have to learn that you cannot compare yourself to others.  There are going to be people who are different from you but as I said before, find where you belong.  Meet as many people as you can and then surround yourself with good friends who are UPLIFTING.

     9. I have made some of the best memories while at BYU.  Don't be scared.  Live and learn.  Enjoy the journey.

<<3 Amanda


  1. i love this! creative and cute. you're the best, i love you lots


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