Tender Mercies.

I start teaching in four weeks.  The thought of twenty-one little children staring up at me and calling me teacher causes me to hyperventilate.  {WHAT IF...} <---- the question that Kyle has had to combat one too many times lately.

Fact: I am not ready.

In order to manage my stress, I have been praying for peace of mind.  Like really, really praying.  The answer to my prayer came in the form of the nicest elderly lady I have ever met and a series of events that played perfectly into what I needed.
Allow me to elaborate:

1. In church I sat down in an empty row and then immediately felt like I needed to sit in the seat behind me.
2. I was friendly.  Sometimes I get uncomfortable and quiet (miracle, I know mom) when I am in new places.  Instead I turned to the woman next to me and said: "Hi, how are you doing today?"
3. She was so kind.  It was like she had just been waiting for someone to ask her that question and then she proceeded to tell me all about a heavy load she has been carrying.  Even at this moment I began to feel uplifted knowing that someone wanted to talk to me.
4. I'm not really sure how this happened but someone announced to the entire Relief Society that it was my last Sunday.
5. They asked me to elaborate on where I was going, what I was returning to do, etc, etc.  I talked about returning to Utah and teaching first grade and probably rambled on a little too long.
6. The lady next to me gave me a nudge and said: "I taught for 31 years and I absolutely loved it.  You will too."
7. After the meeting we sat and chatted:

She talked to me about her experiences and gave me some excellent advice.  She basically gave me a pep talk that made me (dare I say) excited.  She reminded me that it will be a lot of work but that it will bring so much happiness into my life.

The point of this blog post isn't about teaching though.  It is about the fact that the Lord knows us.  He is very conscientious of my worries- whether significant or not.  President Thomas S. Monson said: "The Lord is in the details of our lives."  I am overwhelmed with gratitude at the Lord's love for me.  His love is all around us, we just need to take the time to stop and see it unfolding in the everyday miracles.

<33 Amanda


  1. i loved this. so, so much! and you have NOTHING to fear mrs. lontine! you are going to be the best teacher. we have 2 whole classes of now 3rd and 7th graders to prove it :)


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