
Be You, Bravely

Somewhere along life’s path I lost myself. Or maybe it’s not so much that I lost myself as I never quite found who I am. I have always been ashamed of myself- feeling like I can’t quite measure up to the high standard the world and I have set. When we moved to Minnesota, I knew I couldn’t keep living my life like that. My own self-consciousness was prohibiting me from being my best self, making new friends, and trying new things. Something had to give. I really admire the girls I have met. They all seem so cool and confident in themselves. I told myself depressingly that they would never want to be friends with me because I’m too weird, awkward, nerdy, shy...I could keep going for days. So I sat and I thought. What was it that drew me to these individuals (and those I've known in the past)? The thought unraveled slowly as I began to realize that they are unashamedly themselves. They don’t apologize for who they are- they embrace their whole selves and share that with others. I ...

To Anyone Who is Struggling with Fertility Issues:

Okay so in case you didn’t know, surprise, Kyle and I are expecting a baby boy potentially any day now! Also, before you assume by our lack of publicly announcing or posting any pictures, we are beyond excited. We spend many nights in baby's room imagining what this crazy but beautiful journey will be like. I've started countless blog posts but they all feel wrong.  Then I realized that I was writing them only to explain our lack of publicity about having a baby.  I don't need to excuse anything and instead, I want to reach out to anyone who may also be struggling with fertility issues.   I had a friend tell me that I must be excited because I’ve been waiting for this baby for nine months now. The truth is Kyle and I have been waiting for nearly 2 1/2 years to hold our child.   We started out so hopeful and even through the first 3,4,5...negative pregnancy tests we were still excited.  Slowly our hope began to diminish and one day we found ourselve...


It has been too long since I've poured my soul into a blog post.  It isn't that I have nothing to say; I've actually started several posts, but alas they sit as drafts forever doomed to silence on my dashboard. The truth is, I feel as though my trials must be borne quietly.  I am scared that my hardships are too minimal compared to what many others must undergo.  I am scared that I will come across as dramatic.  I am scared that you won't understand. I suppress my feelings inside of me.  They eat away at my brain and claw at my throat trying to get out.  I lock the door and vow myself to bear all things on my own.  I will myself to be strong because I know I am.  Yet every so often, you will see my facade slip and my darkest nightmares flash across my tired eyes. I whisper: I am strong, I am strong, I am strong.

May Your Days Be Merry & Bright!

Dear friends, family, and loved ones: This year has been full of many changes for Kyle and I.  We are finally starting to feel like grown ups which is both scary and exciting!!! Kyle graduated in April with a Bachelors of Science in Chemical Engineering.  Originally we had plans to move to Colorado after graduation as Kyle had a job offer with a company in Denver.  Things unfortunately did not work but we were blessed to be able to find another job! Kyle currently works in Cedar Hills, Utah at Cascade Energy.  He is an energy consultant and helps companies save money by being more energy efficient.  Kyle finished out his last year of rugby with a national championship win.  Over the summer Kyle picked up a new hobby- mountain biking.  I am thankful that he has yet to break any bones and I am glad that he has found something that makes him so happy. I also graduated from BYU in April with a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education.  I wa...

Summer Snaps

I'm seriously about to cry over the fact that my summer is over.  It feels like just yesterday I ran through the school hallways throwing paper in the air with joy (just kidding, but I did go to lunch to celebrate)! As quick as summer has gone by, I've had some really good times and I finally  got around to those projects I've been putting off for forever. So without further ado Amanda's summer via 22 hashtags: #antlersmakethebestconvostarters #finallymasteredthesewingmachine #allIdoiswin #whathappensatlakepowellstaysatlakepowell  #sunshinegetonourbodies #stillinlovetwoyearslater #callforagoodtime #welostourswimsuitbottomsforthis #madskillz #itwashigherthanitlooks #stillcallingourselvesthewolfpack #NOTattheRiv #reinactingourspiritanimals? #doublefistingit #freebiequeens  #betterthanpotterbarndiy  #predroolingatthecarnival #vonmillersheadistheresomewhere #everbeenlickedbyagiraffe? #mygrandmaiscoole...


Sooooo likeeeeee remember how we are supposed to be living the life in Colorado right now? As it turns out, Heavenly Father had a different plan for Kyle and I: Due to the decline in oil prices, the company in Colorado that Kyle had a job with had to rescind all new job offers.  I'd be lying if I told you this was no big deal for us.  We heard the news mid-March which was just a month shy of graduation and the real world.  It was pretty easy to be angry initially.  I mean, this was our "dream" job in our "dream" state and with just one phone call it was all gone. I have to say that Kyle and I felt a lot of love and support during this difficult time.  Many family and friends graciously reached out to us.  My grandma offered me some really helpful advice: "the Lord has taken care of you so far.  Isn't it exciting to know that he will continue to take care of you no matter where you will go?"  Grandma, thanks for that advice.  Combined with...

How to Workout and Semi Like It.

Let's start off with a disclaimer: I am no where near a fitness expert.  I understand that many of my friends are amazingly fit and healthy and probably do a much better job at it than I do.  ...that said, this post comes from a person who is actually extremely lazy and used to enjoy sitting on the couch and would often count walking up the stairs as her daily workout routine.  I am here today to inspire those couch-lovers by telling you how I learned to love exercising and offer advice for how you can learn to love it too.  Do what you like. I hate  running (that might be an understatement).  I find no satisfaction in stretching my lungs to the point of near-suffocation.  I do not like running outside, I do not like running on the treadmill, I do not like running anywhere (I do not like green eggs and ham Sam I am)!  So guess what? I explored other fitness options.  I started biking. I love biking!  I started lifting weights....