The Day That Emilee Met Harry Styles

Perhaps because the sun is out and I'm feeling quite blissful, I have decided to post-pone my super opinionated half written post until another week. Be grateful. So anyways, I want to introduce you all to my dear friend Emilee. Emilee is quite possibly one of my [favorites] . She spreads happiness wherever she goes... like, it is contagious. It does not take much to make Emilee happy and I absolutely admire that about her. For example, today she asked if we could stop at Sodalicious on our way back from the schools. All I had to say was "of course" and Emilee was screaming in excitement-- "I'M GONNA GET THE 44OZ BLUE BOMBSHELL BABY!" (something like that --> wish I had been able to video her). Like a soda made Emilee so happy so that made me happy too. Also, Emilee is a person that makes everyone feel good. She always has something nice to say. She'll make you feel good about yourself when you do not f...