Learning To Love Myself
The other night I came home from my lost dodgeball game a sore loser. I exclaimed to Kyle: "I'm just not good at anything!" He immediately pounced (literally) and told me he wasn't going to let me up until I named 10 things I am good at. Dramatically , I groaned and said I couldn't think of anything! Kyle gave me a firm look so I sighed and started listing off things like: I'm good at sleeping, I'm good at eating junk food, I'm good at watching lots of TV, I'm good at being dramatic, I'm good at being negative. My poor husband let go of me and I could tell my words hurt him a little. He sulked back to the couch after whispering, "I just wish you'd have some self-confidence ..." Ugh. Talk about my life struggle. But Kyle really got me thinking. Sometimes I just claim that I am "realistic" and probably better for it but at the same time it is okay to give myself credit. So, I'd like to share with you 1...