What's this recent obsession with zombies? I don't know. But. I. love. it. For us it started with the Walking Dead- a realistic TV show about a Zombie Apocalypse. Nerdy, I know. We used to watch in forts with the wolf-pack but in recent years our Sunday evening viewing parties have mutated to involve the Hockey team ((plus or minus a few gems)). This summer Kyle finally got caught up and also became OBSESSED . Anyways, zombie killing season is back in full swing. Here is how we've been preparing for the potential outbreak: Practicing shooting Living up the good times with family/friends Every so often we get really into Walking Dead Sundays by making zombie fingers out of hot dogs, stringing caution tape across the entire living room, making signs and putting on fake blood: This week the MVP goes out to Kyle for being such a good sport: R.I.P. Kyle In the meantime I hope you all are staying safe from the zombie infestati...