
Showing posts from August, 2015

Summer Snaps

I'm seriously about to cry over the fact that my summer is over.  It feels like just yesterday I ran through the school hallways throwing paper in the air with joy (just kidding, but I did go to lunch to celebrate)! As quick as summer has gone by, I've had some really good times and I finally  got around to those projects I've been putting off for forever. So without further ado Amanda's summer via 22 hashtags: #antlersmakethebestconvostarters #finallymasteredthesewingmachine #allIdoiswin #whathappensatlakepowellstaysatlakepowell  #sunshinegetonourbodies #stillinlovetwoyearslater #callforagoodtime #welostourswimsuitbottomsforthis #madskillz #itwashigherthanitlooks #stillcallingourselvesthewolfpack #NOTattheRiv #reinactingourspiritanimals? #doublefistingit #freebiequeens  #betterthanpotterbarndiy  #predroolingatthecarnival #vonmillersheadistheresomewhere #everbeenlickedbyagiraffe? #mygrandmaiscoole...