How Much Wood Would a Woodchuck Chuck if a Woodchuck Could Chuck Wood?
Oooooooooooh life. Actually let me clarify: ooooooooh life in Wisconsin. When we first moved in Mike told me about this crazy woodchuck that kept digging holes in his storage shed. I had no idea that woodchucks were actually real until Friday when I noticed a strange beaver-like animal wandering around the shed. I told Mike and he got this crazy look in his eye, grabbed his gun and fired off a few rounds. The "poor" thing ran around whimpering and I had to go inside because it tugged a little at my heart-strings. Well that was Friday morning. The rest of the weekend consisted of "woodchuck watch out" as we realized that the woodchuck has 5-6 babies. **Sorry for all you animal lovers out there. This afternoon Kyle went missing and I found him climbing through the bushes with his handgun looking for more woodchucks. This happened: Yeah, I don't even like animals but I couldn't quite stomach the dead woodchuck. Poor little guy n...